Testing Tool - Rational ClearCase

The Rational ClearCase tool empowers to manage all of the changes the projects encounter. This comprehensive software configuration management (SCM) solution provides version control, workspace management, process configurability, and builds management. With Rational ClearCase, the development team gets a scalable, best practices-based development process that simplifies change - shortening the development cycles, ensuring the accuracy of releases, and delivering reliable builds and patches for previously shipped products.

1. Simplifying the Process of Change

Software development and change: The two go hand in hand. To succeed at the first, need tools and processes for managing the second. Rational ClearCase, when combined with Rational ClearQuest, a flexible defect and change tracking tool, is the market leading software configuration management solution that manages change and complexity. To software teams of all sizes, Rational ClearCase offers tools and processes can implement today and tailor as grow. Rational ClearCase provides a family of products that scale from small project workgroups to the distributed global enterprise, enabling:

  • Accelerate release cycles by supporting unlimited parallel development
  • Unify the change process across the software development lifecycle
  • Scale from small teams to the enterprise without changing tools or processes

2. Software Configuration Management

Software development is an inherently complex process. There are so many protocols, mixed platforms, distributed teams, and various roles to contend with, that team invariably gets tangled in administrative minutia. Rational ClearCase, a robust software artifact management tool, combined with Rational ClearQuest, the most flexible defect and change tracking tool on the market, creates a software configuration management (SCM) solution that helps team to handle the rigors of software development. Rational's SCM solution helps to manage complex change throughout the development lifecycle.

  • Share code effortlessly and automate error-prone processes
  • Rational's SCM solution offers the essential functions of transparent code sharing, version control, and advanced workspace and builds management. By automating many of the necessary, yet error-prone tasks associated with software development, Rational's SCM solution frees teams of all sizes to build better software faster.
  • Unite team with a process that optimizes efficiency
  • Process is critical to streamlining software development. A sound process will improve quality, increase development speed and ultimately enhance overall team collaboration and productivity. Rational's SCM solution offers Unified Change Management (UCM), a best practices process for managing change at the activity level and controlling workflow.
  • Choose a solution that scales and make it last SCM decision
  • Rational has an SCM solution that meets the needs of all size development teams. From small project teams to the global enterprise, Rational has the right size solution for the team. Using the same proven technology, processes and protocols, will be able to select the right product today and seamlessly grow with the product tomorrow – no conversion headaches, data disasters, or process changes. Just smooth scalability.

3. Unified Change Management
Managing the ongoing process of change is important for any development team. However, the issue is further complicated as specialized, distributed teams strive to build high-quality software in less time. Rational has responded with a solution that simplifies the process of change. Unified Change Management (UCM) integrates artifact and activity management. It is among Rational's "best practices" for software development.

UCM is delivered through an integration of Rational ClearCase, for software asset management, and Rational ClearQuest for defect and change tracking – both part of Rational Suite. UCM is a powerful, out-of-the-box workflow for automating change across the software lifecycle and across distributed multi-functional development teams.

UCM helps managers reduce risk by coordinating and prioritizing the activities of developers and by ensuring that they work with the right sets of artifacts. Extending across the lifecycle to accommodate all project domain information – requirements, visual models, code, and test artifacts, it helps teams effectively "baseline" requirements together with code and test assets. The result: accelerated team development in which quality standards are met or exceeded on time and on budget.

4. Rational ClearCase Highlights

  • Offers version control, workspace management, build management and process configurability
  • Versions all development artifacts
  • Enables nonstop parallel development — even across geographically distributed sites
  • Provides transparent workspaces for global data access
  • Integrates with Rational ClearQuest to provide a seamless approach to defect and change tracking
  • Enables Unified Change Management — Rational's activity-based process for managing change
  • Scales from small project teams to the global enterprise
  • Ships with Rational Suite for a complete change process across the lifecycle
  • Offers process configurability without expensive customization
  • Provides advanced build auditing
  • Provides Web interface for universal data access
  • Features graphical interface for easier focus on priority tasks
  • Integrates with leading IDEs and development tools, and Web development and authoring tools

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