The V model says that someone should first test each unit. When all the subsystem’s units are tested, they should be aggregated and the subsystem tested to see if it works as a whole.

So how do we test the unit? We look at its interface as specified in the detailed design, or at the code, or at both, pick inputs that satisfy some test design criteria, feed those inputs to the interface, then check the results for correctness. Because the unit usually can’t be executed in isolation, we have to surround it with stubs and drivers, as shown at the right. The arrow represents the execution trace of a test.
That’s what most people mean when they say “unit testing”.

I think that approach is sometimes a bad idea. The same inputs can often be delivered to the unit through the subsystem, which thus acts as both stub and driver. That looks like the picture to the right.
The decision about which approach to take is a matter of weighing tradeoffs. How much would the stubs cost? How likely are they to be maintained? How likely are failures to be masked by the subsystem? How difficult would debugging through the subsystem be? If tests aren’t run until integration, some bugs will be found later. How does the estimated cost of that compare to the cost of stubs and drivers? And so forth.
The V model precludes these questions. They don’t make sense. Unit tests get executed when units are done. Integration tests get executed when subsystems are integrated. End of story. It used to be surprising and disheartening to me how often people simply wouldn’t think about the tradeoffs – they were trapped by their model.
Therefore, a useful model must allow testers to consider the possible savings of deferring test execution.

A test designed to find bugs in a particular unit might be best run with the unit in isolation, surrounded by unit-specific stubs and drivers. Or it might be tested as part as the subsystem – along with tests designed to find integration problems. Or, since a subsystem will itself need stubs and drivers to emulate connections to other subsystems, it might sometimes make sense to defer both unit and integration tests until the whole system is at least partly integrated. At that point, the tester is executing unit, integration, and system tests through the product’s external interface. Again, the purpose is to minimize total lifecycle cost, balancing cost of testing against cost of delayed bug discovery. The distinction between “unit”, “integration”, and “system” tests begins to break down. In effect, you have the above picture.
It would be better to label each box on the right “execution of appropriate tests” and be done with it. What of the left side? Consider system test design, an activity driven by the specification. Suppose that you knew that two units in a particular subsystem, working in conjunction, implemented a particular statement in the specification. Why not test that specification statement just after the subsystem was integrated, at the same time as tests derived from the design?
If the statement’s implementation depends on nothing outside the subsystem, why wait until the whole system is available? Wouldn’t finding the bugs earlier be cheaper?
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